This is back when Sulphur Springs was a tourist attraction. The Sulphur Springs area was the magnet for tourists back in the 1920s. There was a hotel, this slide, a movie theater, etc. It ended as the boom ended.

This whole structure shown is long gone and there are little remnants of an attraction. The Sulphur Springs tower still stands and is very visible from Interstate 275. The area was to be a park for years and finally opened about ten years ago. My last stop there was a bit scary with vagrants and a few vehicles parked with people just sitting in them. The park deserves to be really brought back to some life, but considering the neighborhood that now exists around it, maybe that is not practical.

Here’s a bit more about Sulphur Springs area.:

There have been plans and plenty of work to open a museum of the area that are still being worked on.

Please leave any memories you have of the area below.