Zuber indulges in a Peach Melba sundae with a dollop of milk as he is still recognizing Milk Day. One of the best places to get Peach Melba, or any dessert, is Bern’s Steak House Dessert Room in Tampa. Click[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Swampy’s Florida News
Lee, the cow, toasts Milk Day as Zuber guzzles a gallon or two. There are still many, many Florida based milk producers in Florida. You can learn more at Florida Milk. #MilkDay
Had an emergency trip i had to make to Clearwater so that Swampy photos and posts could continue. If you all have noticed odd colored photos over the past couple of months, that irregularity has been fixed thanks to Brett[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Trilby celebrates HousePlant Day by purchasing a house plant at the local Farmer’s Market. Your neighborhood Farmer’s Market is the best place to get a plant to decorate your home. #HousePlantDay
Zuber juggles a few apricots to celebrate Apricot Day. The best place to get apricots in Florida is at the local Farmer’s Market. Check where your nearest Farmer’s Market is in your neighborhood and give your neighbors some business. Fridays[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Time to clean up your act! It’s bath tub day! Ortona, the egret, Trilby, the cat, and Alva, the mouse enjoy the bubbles. Penney, the chicken, really does have to clean up! #BubbleBathDay
Penney, Trilby and Fernandina swim off the shore of Florida to celebrate Old Rock Day. Florida is a giant slab of old porous rock that we live on. Just beyong the beaches underwater of Florida is an easy way to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Swampy’s #Florida says Happy Apple Tree Day!Did you know you can grow apple trees in Florida? The University of Florida tells you how: http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/giam/plants_and_grasses/fruits_vegetables/apples.html #AppleTreeDay
Here are some of our better known state birds. Coming in a couple weeks if the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival in Titusville, Florida. A GREAT place to learn more about Florida birds! #NationalBirdDay #BirdDay
Celebrating all trivia of Florida today! #TriviaDay
Today is the day to toss that lovely fruitcake you received at Christmas time! Here Milton, the turtle, gives it his best try! Many don’t know that much of the ingredients in fruitcake pare originally from Florida. Paradise Fruit Company[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Celebrating Isaac Asimov’s birthday got this day started years ago . Here Trilby battles a devious alien on some unknown planet light years away. Alva, the mouse, assists.