Swampy’s #Florida Matchbooks: Jimmy Fazio’s House of Prime Ribs
on May 15, 2019
at 7:00 am
Jimmy Fazio moved to Broward County in ’52 and continued a string of food and entertainment establishments he had started in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His House of Ribs was one of the best known. Fazio died in ’98 and here is his obituary with much more information. Joe Namath was amongst the famous that frequented the establishment. This was also a hot spot for live dinner entertainment, which has virtually disappeared throughout the country. One exception is nearby Tropical Acres that still has a live piano player.
The building still stands. The building now houses NaBu Buffet and Sushi, 3485 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale.
(This is part of the Swampy’s Florida Floridana collection.)
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