Yesterday’s Polk County by Louise Frisbie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The ‘Yesterday’s…’ series is a terrific set of books of areas across Florida. It was also the first to collect photographs and stories into one relatively short volume. A couple decades later Arcadia Books used a similar, soft cover format as a far more expensive price and often used people that collected the material that really didn’t understand the areas or subject involved. Hampton Dunn, who was behind the series knew who to go to and get the best and accurate history.

Dunn did it this time, too. If one was to collect the history of Polk County, Loiuse Frisbie was the person to do it. She spent a lifetime collecting tales and wrote volumes of the history in the Polk Ciy Democrat newspaper.
Sad she authored so few books.

The photos included captures much of Polk County’s significant history in less than a hundred pages. The captions provided are up to Frisbe and Dunn standards. Not just identifying the photos, but with significant historical nuggets also!

I highly recommend this book. Ten out of ten points.

If you’d like to get your own copy of ‘Yesterday’s Polk County’, you can get one here:

That’s the book in the Swampy’s Florida library above.
#Florida FloridaBooks #Polk #PolkCounty #History #FloridaHistory

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