Swampy and Trilby work on a Florida limerick, but can’t figure a words to rhyme with Okahumpka.

Limerick Day celebrates the birth of English artist, illustrator, author and poet Edward Lear (May 12, 1812 – Jan. 29, 1888).  ‘The Book of Nonsense’, published 1846, is a favorite of his collection of limericks and the most accessible still today. Most known of his lot is ‘The Owl and the Pussy Cat’.

Lear was master of the limerick. The limerick is a very short poem brimming in humor. Five lines typically make up the limerick.  The first two lines rhyme with the fifth. Together, the third and fourth line rhyme together.

A sample that connects to Florida history, while having nothing to do with it, is this of the Menorcans, or Majorcans, who lived off the coast of Spain. in the 1760s a bundle of the group traveled and established a colony in what we know as New Smyrna Beach. Descendants still live throughout Florida today.
Here’s a Lear ditty:

There was a Young Girl of Majorca,
Whose aunt was a very fast walker;
  She walked seventy miles,
  And leaped fifteen stiles,
Which astounded that Girl of Majorca.
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