Today is the last day of the Big Box Toys”R”Us. As Toys R Us canvassed Florida urban areas, the local toy stores closed left and right.
Swampy’s friend, Steve Voorhies reminded me of those stores. Here was a favorite of his on Edgewater Drive in College Park in Orlando: Toy Parade.
The owners were the Bruners, who lived just blocks away from the store. local business owned by neighbors. Patrons supporting their community, their neighbors and their friends.
We’ve lost much of that through urban Florida. There are still independent toy stores where you can still find wooden and tin toys, along with more contemporary items. Most comic book stores are, as much, toy stores.
One I visited awhile back was in Dade City, Florida, Church Street Shoppe “Toys, Kites & More”. The owner’s entire purpose was to recreate the local toy store. Visit it sometime!
Are there local toy stores near you?